August 2021 AHPA Report
The August 2021 AHPA Report includes: AHPA Webinar: AHPA Hemp Lexicon Supports Standardized Terminology; AHPA Board of Trustees approves two new guidance resources for the hemp industry; AHPA introduces new entry for rooibos to the online Botanical Safety Handbook 2nd Ed.; USDA APHIS to delay Lacey Act Phase VI enforcement; and more!
August 2021
Volume 36, Number 8
Inside AHPA
- AHPA Webinar: AHPA Hemp Lexicon Supports Standardized Terminology
- AHPA Board of Trustees approves two new guidance resources for the hemp industry
- AHPA introduces new entry for rooibos to the online Botanical Safety Handbook 2nd Ed.
- AHPA updates guidance on major food allergens in response to FASTER ACT
- AHPA in the news
Special Topics
- USDA APHIS to delay Lacey Act Phase VI enforcement
- Pullulan added to NOSB National List
- AHPA encourages FDA to study “healthy” claim symbol in herbs, spices, and teas
- IADSA Newsflash for June 2021
AHPA Alerts
- Legal Alerts
- Science Alerts
- Cannabis Alerts
- Market Alerts
- Media Alerts