Archive December 2024
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AHPA updates nine entries to the online Botanical Safety Handbook, 2nd ed., in final 2024 release
- By: AHPA
- On: 12/19/2024 20:02:02
- In: AHPA Publications & Resources
Cordyceps and Angelica entries included in this final quarterly update
December 19, 2024
In this last quarter of 2024, the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) has released updates to nine more botanicals via the online Botanical Safety Handbook, 2nd ed. For this year, 17 entries in the online Botanical Safety Handbook have been updated, and two have been added. Since 2018, when revisions to the online Botanical Safety Handbook were initiated, 166 entries have been updated and nine new entries have been added.
The following online entries have been updated or added in this release:
Angelica dahurica (fragrant angelica) – A literature review added a human pharmacology study and cytotoxicity studies.
Angelica pubescens (pubescent angelica) – A scientific review updated the safety class for this herb from Class 2d to Class 1 - due to the lack of primary literature documenting photosensitivity following oral consumption. An in vitro pharmacology study was added.
Angelica sinensis (dong quai) – This recent review amended the interaction class from Class C to Class B after consideration of the available information. Pharmacology and toxicity studies were added.
Angelica spp. (angelica, purple angelica) – Acute toxicity and cytotoxicity studies were added during the latest review.
Anthriscus cerefolium (chervil) – A literature review identified cytotoxicity studies. The safety class for chervil was changed from Class 2b to Class 1 in this revision.
Apocynum spp. (spreading dogbane, hemp dogbane) – An additional reference for the cardiac glycoside content of this botanical was identified for this review.
Borago officinalis (borage; seed oil) – The latest review added a case report and toxicity studies.
Brassica spp. (mustards) – A literature review identified new case reports and a Food Use section was added.
Cordyceps spp. (cordyceps) – This review updated botanical nomenclature and added Cordyceps militaris as a species. Numerous references were added for clinical trials of drug interactions, adverse events in clinical trials and case reports, animal pharmacology studies, and toxicity studies.
AHPA members can obtain an annual individual subscription to the online Botanical Safety Handbook or a hard copy for $95.00, with multi-user rates available for companies needing expanded access. Information about subscriptions and hard copy purchases can be found on the AHPA website.
Subscribers to the online Botanical Safety Handbook can review short descriptions of updated entries in the "Revisions" panel on the online version homepage when they log in. The online Botanical Safety Handbook is undergoing review of existing entries and the addition of new entries to provide the latest safety information before it can be included in the next print edition of the handbook. AHPA will continue to post additional updates to existing entries as well as develop new botanical entries.
AHPA's Botanical Safety Handbook is an essential tool for anyone who manufactures, recommends, or uses herbal products. The handbook provides safety information on over 500 species of herbs, derived from data compiled from clinical trials, pharmacological and toxicological studies, medical case reports, and historical texts. All entries are reviewed by an Expert Advisory Council that includes some of the most renowned herbal and integrative medicine experts in the United States.
AHPA ERB Foundation supports myrrh supply chain assessment project
- By: AHPA
- On: 12/16/2024 20:14:16
- In: AHPA-ERB Foundation
December 16, 2024
The American Herbal Products Association Foundation for Education and Research on Botanicals (AHPA ERB Foundation) is pleased to announce funding support for Myrrh (Commiphora myrrha): Supply Chain Assessment, Harvesting Practices, Landscape Management, and Chemical Analysis, a deep dive into the status of myrrh harvest and trade. The project is led by Dr. Anjanette DeCarlo and seeks to increase transparency and gain deeper insight into the supply chain and sustainability factors of myrrh resin, a valuable botanical widely used in herbal products, perfumery, and traditional medicine.
“The AHPA ERB Foundation Proposal Review Committee believes that Dr. DeCarlo's proposed research provides an opportunity for increasing the supply chain visibility of a commercially important botanical. They enthusiastically recommended the project for funding and the ERB Foundation Board approved support for the three-year project at its September 12, 2024 meeting,” said Holly Chittum, AHPA Project Scientist and staff liaison for the committee.
Despite its significant market demand, the impacts and environmental context of the commercial myrrh trade remains poorly understood. Threats such as over-tapping and grazing pressure have been well-documented in the closely related Boswellia trees also growing in the main myrrh production regions of Ethiopia, Somalia, and Kenya, but the status of myrrh has so far been unexplored. This gap in knowledge makes it challenging for companies to meet sustainable sourcing standards and support ethical trade, which in turn impacts rural communities dependent on myrrh production.
The project is slated to start in early 2025 and combines field surveys, chemical analysis, and socio-economic assessments to build a comprehensive understanding of the myrrh supply chain and the ecological status of its primary populations in Ethiopia. The research team will conduct interviews with harvesters and traders to map the supply chain from local communities to the export market, as well as quantitative population surveys to assess myrrh tree health, regeneration, and threats across harvested and non-harvested regions. The study will also analyze resin samples to identify potential chemical markers for geographic origin, possibly providing an innovative tool for verifying source authenticity and tracing the impact of different harvesting methods.
This work is crucial for the herbal products industry as it provides a pathway for companies to ethically source myrrh while safeguarding its long-term availability. The team will use the data generated in this project to generate a sustainable sourcing guide and educational materials for the industry, empowering companies to improve their supply chains, meet environmental and social standards, and support community welfare. This approach not only supports the ecological sustainability of myrrh populations but also helps foster fair trade practices that benefit local harvesters and strengthen the integrity of the herbal products market.
AHPA established the AHPA ERB Foundation as a 501(c)(3) foundation to promote education and research on medicinal, therapeutic, and health-promoting herbs. To learn more, visit the AHPA ERB Foundation online or join AHPA and the researchers behind projects currently supported by ERB Foundation funding at AHPA Talks: ERB Foundation, a free, virtual event on January 16, 2025 that is open to AHPA members, friends, and the public.
OEHHA announces changes to Proposition 65 short-form warning format
December 12, 2024
Marketers will need to identify at least one listed chemical in short-form warnings
On December 6, 2024, the California Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment (OEHHA) announced the finalization of revisions to the Proposition 65 regulations for Clear and Reasonable Warnings – Safe Harbor Methods and Content. The revised regulations amend the format of the safe harbor “short-form” warning option, with the primary change to require the inclusion of at least one Proposition 65 listed chemical name in the warning. The effective date of the new regulation is January 1, 2025, with a three-year implementation period.
Of interest to marketers in the herbal products industry who may be using the short-form warning format, the changes also include the following provisions:
Businesses that currently rely on the existing short-form warnings have three years to transition to the new short-form content;
Short-form warnings may be used to provide safe harbor warnings for food products;
During the three-year implementation period, retailers have a 60-day transition period to update online short-form warnings after receiving a notice from a manufacturer.
OEHHA initiated the process of revising the regulations pertaining to the safe harbor short-form warning format in January 2021, at that time stating that “there has been widespread use of short-form warnings in ways that were not intended and do not further the purposes of Proposition 65.” The proposed regulation underwent several changes following public comment periods. AHPA submitted comments to the draft regulations, stating its concerns about the financial costs to the natural products industry of having to revise labels to include a chemical name and the lack of substantiation that the changes to the short-form warning format would have a significant impact on OEHHA’s concerns about “over-warning.”
AHPA maintains several guidance documents related to Proposition 65, which have been updated to reflect the amendments to the safe harbor short-form warning format. These guidance documents are available for download from the AHPA website as a benefit of AHPA membership.
Today’s challenges, tomorrow’s opportunities and the path forward for dietary supplements

In this guest article for NutraIngredients-USA, AHPA’s Michael McGuffin looks back at an eventful 2024 and ahead to 2025.
As 2024 winds down and we look forward to the coming year, it’s a good time to take stock of an industry in flux. From state legislation and federal regulatory shifts to supply chain disruptions and market pressures, our industry has faced a long list of challenges.
Despite these obstacles, the dedication of manufacturers, retailers, and trade groups – including the American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) – has upheld our industry’s commitment to supporting the personal health and wellbeing of consumers.
2025 AHPA Board of Trustees Call for Candidates
December 4, 2024
Deadline to declare Intent to Stand for Election is Friday, January 31, 2025
The American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) is issuing its annual call for candidates for elected trustees to the association's Board of Trustees. AHPA's bylaws and election policies govern this nomination process and election.
"AHPA's trustees provide invaluable experience and expertise to our staff and membership, and we are grateful for their leadership and contributions to the association," said AHPA President Michael McGuffin. "We encourage all eligible companies to nominate a representative for this opportunity to help shape the future of this industry."
About the Board
The number of seats on AHPA's Board of Trustees consists of a minimum of 22. Two elected seats are reserved for "small business members," defined as Active Members with $5 million or less in annual herbal revenues. The remaining elected seats are available to all Active Members in good standing. The term of office for all elected trustees is three years.
AHPA's Board of Trustees meets three times each year (including in-person meetings at the Natural Products Expo West and SupplySide Global trade shows), and trustees are expected to attend all meetings. In addition, trustees are expected to participate in ongoing functions of the organization. While trustees receive no remuneration for their services, the benefits to the companies represented, and to the industry as a whole, are well recognized.
Nomination & Election
A candidate must be officially nominated in writing by submitting a completed Intent to Stand for Election Form and Candidate's Statement by no later than Friday, January 31, 2025.
A candidate for AHPA's Board of Trustees may be an owner, employee, consultant, or other designated representative of the company wishing to be represented on the board. All Active Members in good standing are qualified and encouraged to nominate a candidate.
After the call for candidates period closes, the voting period will open on Tuesday, February 4, 2025, with the distribution of electronic ballots to all Active Member companies in good standing and eligible to vote.
Absentee votes will be accepted until Friday, February 28, 2025, before the in-person election takes place during AHPA's Annual Member Meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 2025 at Natural Products Expo West in Anaheim, CA. Candidates will be invited to give brief remarks in-person or record a short video address in advance that will be played for the membership before in-person voting closes.
For any questions about the election, please contact Daniela Gonzalez at