
In Memoriam: Senator Orrin Hatch

April 25, 2022

We are deeply saddened to announce the passing of former Utah Senator Orrin Hatch in Salt Lake City this past weekend.

Senator Orrin Hatch, 1934–2022?

We will not repeat here the biographical details of Senator Hatch's life, as these have been included in many news articles over the last few days. Instead, we gratefully acknowledge the momentous contributions Senator Hatch made to our industry in his storied career of public service.

The longest serving Republican senator in U.S. history, Senator Hatch was one of very few Congressional allies who can be accurately described as a champion for health freedom. As an author and lead sponsor of the Dietary Supplement and Health Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994, Senator Hatch championed the balance between consumer choice and product safety that established the foundation of the industry as we know it today. What's more, Senator Hatch's support of our industry was genuine: he personally used dietary supplements throughout his life to support his own health, and strongly believed natural products helped him and can help others.

“Senator Hatch's impact on the dietary supplement industry cannot be understated,” said AHPA President Michael McGuffin. “His legacy will be carried on as AHPA continues to defend the rights of our families, friends and neighbors to have access to dietary supplements and natural products for their personal health.”

Senator Hatch also had a passion for religious music and wrote and sang his own songs. “He's now singing with the angels,” added McGuffin.

Senator Hatch is survived by his wife, Elaine, and their six children.




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