Profile: AHPA
- Login Count: 1048
- Join Date: 02/04/2008 11:27:52
- Last on: 12/08/2011 15:18:51
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- Articles posted by this author:
- Annual Fund Sponsors support AHPA mission and herbal industry
- AHPA submits comments to U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service notice on potential CITES listing proposals
- Canadian tariffs paused; exemption info released for Chinese and Canadian goods in transit
- Tariffs announced on Canada, China, Mexico
- Amazon expands dietary supplement testing requirement to joint health products
- Coconut no longer major food allergen in revised FDA guidance
- AHPA President Michael McGuffin to transition to senior advisory role as search for successor begins
- IADSA Newsflash for January 2025
- FDA final "healthy" rule: key herbal takeaways
- AHPA updates nine entries to the online Botanical Safety Handbook, 2nd ed., in final 2024 release
- AHPA ERB Foundation supports myrrh supply chain assessment project
- OEHHA announces changes to Proposition 65 short-form warning format
- Today’s challenges, tomorrow’s opportunities and the path forward for dietary supplements
- 2025 AHPA Board of Trustees Call for Candidates
- Radicle Science Trailblazer: Michael McGuffin
- 2025 AHPA Award Nominations now open
- European Court of Justice annuls prohibition for hydroxyanthracene derivatives (HADs) in Aloe spp.
- Introducing the 2025 NutraIngredient-USA Start-up Stars
- IADSA Newsflash for October 2024
- AHPA ERB Foundation supports launch of updated Southwest School of Botanical Medicine website
- Join us in support of those impacted by Hurricane Helene
- Senator Wyden introduces Cannabinoid Safety and Regulation Act
- Herbs in History: Borage & Carrot
- AHPA advocates for sensible regulatory solutions to address ‘bad actors’ as FDA pushes for MPL
- AHPA submits comments to UK Food Standards Agency’s call for evidence for ashwagandha
- AHPA Chief Science Officer participates in AOAC Annual Meeting
- Herbs in History: Yarrow & Tarragon
- In Memoriam: James Gormley
- Amazon removes "joint health" references from testing policy
- AHPA ERB Foundation issues request for grant proposals
- AHPA seeks clarity in comments on improved FDA food hazard guidance
- AHPA comments seek delay, tariff schedule modification in Phase VII of Lacey Act import declarations enforcement
- AHPA opposes Dietary Supplement Listing Act of 2024
- AHPA endorses Federal Food Administration Act
- Herbs in History: Ashwagandha & Purple Amaranth
- AHPA publishes new entry for kratom in the online Botanical Safety Handbook
- Michael McGuffin named 2024 NutraChampion
- IADSA Newsflash for July 2024
- AHPA Sports Nutrition Committee Spotlight: Raza Bashir (Iovate)
- AHPA updates seven entries to the online Botanical Safety Handbook, 2nd Ed. and expands mushroom entries
- 2013 DNA barcoding article questioning integrity of herbal products retracted
- AHPA Chief Science Officer presents at The Mushroom Summit
- Herbs in History: Basil & Cabbage
- Herbs in History: Artichoke & Lavender
- AHPA 2021-2023 Tonnage Survey Open for Producer Responses
- Senators reintroduce bill to federally legalize marijuana as DEA moves to reschedule cannabis
- IADSA Newsflash for April 2024
- Herbs in History: Ricinus & Hellebore
- Amazon: New dietary supplement policy applies to sexual enhancement, weight management, and sports nutrition products
- NIH ODS announces new funding opportunities for advancing research on botanicals and other natural products
- AHPA Project Scientist attends Gather to Grow Forest Farming Conference
- Amazon increases third party verification requirements for dietary supplements
- AHPA’s Herbs of Commerce, 3rd ed., receives 2024 ABC James A. Duke Excellence in Botanical Literature Award
- AHPA releases updated entry for kava in the online Botanical Safety Handbook
- Herbs in History: Tamarind & Celery
- AHPA, QAI, and OTA release updated NOP guidance for dietary supplements
- AHPA Chief Science Officer presents at AOAC International Midyear Meeting
- AHPA presents: DSHEA and the Defense of Health Freedom
- AHPA welcomes new and re-elected trustees for 2024
- 2024 AHPA Awards honor industry advocates and herbal champions
- FDA announces final guidance on NDIN procedures and timeframes for dietary supplement industry
- AHPA Director of Regulatory Affairs to present at ASTA Annual Meeting
- Herbs in History - Oregano & Onion
- 2024 AHPA Board of Trustees Candidates
- Hawaii finds kava beverages generally recognized as safe
- AHPA Chief Science Officer participates in USP Expert Committee meetings
- IADSA Newsflash for February 2024
- Implications beyond sports nutrition: State legislation targeting weight loss dietary supplements
- Broad Industry Support for Relaunched Dietary Supplement Caucus
- AHPA ERB Foundation issues request for grant proposals
- Herbs in History: Horsetail & Cinnamon
- AHPA revises guidance policy for synthesized and artificial cannabinoids, including delta-8 tetrahydrocannabinol
- AHPA Chief Science Officer moderates panel on product integrity at GRMA Summit
- AHPA updates four entries to the online Botanical Safety Handbook 2nd Ed. in final 2023 release
- Herbs in History: Pine & Holly
- 2024 AHPA Board of Trustees Call for Candidates
- Regulations, reorganization, and the road ahead for dietary supplements and natural products
- Herbs in History: Laurel & Fig
- AHPA advocates for members with correspondence addressing dietary supplement trade challenges in Canada and Mexico
- AHPA requests FDA update federal regulation to reference Herbs of Commerce, 3rd Edition
- 2024 AHPA Award nominations now open
- IADSA Newsflash for November 2023
- AHPA Chief Science Officer to present at WIN webinar on empowering women in science
- Herbs in History: Iris & Sage
- Seven entries to the online Botanical Safety Handbook 2nd Ed. have been updated by AHPA
- Herbs in History: Hops & Grapevine
- AHPA submits comments to FDA guidance on dietary guidance statements
- AHPA urges FTC to withdraw massed-mail notice of penalty offenses in Citizen Petition
- AHPA Chief Science Officer presents on mushroom derived products at AOAC Annual Meeting
- AHPA shares 2023 Farm Bill priorities with Congressional Agriculture Committees
- AHPA ERB Foundation issues request for grant proposals
- Herbs in History - Mint & Marrubium
- Senators Durbin and Blumenthal request information on FDA’s proposed changes to ODSP
- FDA selects Deputy Commissioner for proposed unified Human Foods Program
- AHPA publishes good stewardship harvesting brochure for Boswellia
- AHPA responds to request for information regarding FDA regulation of CBD
- FDA releases draft guidance on cosmetics facility registration, product listing
- AHPA commends UPS, Teamsters on reaching labor deal to avoid strike
- IADSA Newsflash for July 2023
- AHPA Chief Science Officer presents at 2023 American Society of Pharmacognosy Annual Meeting
- AHPA welcomes new hires Alexis Durham and Daniela Gonzalez
- Bipartisan legislation reintroduced in U.S. Senate would create regulatory pathways for hemp-derived CBD
- Supplement Trade Associations Join Reps. LaHood, Boyle, Curtis, & Gottheimer to Give Americans Increased Flexibility to Purchase Nutritional Supplements for Better Health
- Herbs in History: Valerian & Chamomile
- AHPA publishes highly anticipated third edition of Herbs of Commerce
- AHPA expresses concerns regarding proposed reorganization of FDA
- AHPA seeks ‘correction’ from FDA on Pinellia ternata ephedrine alkaloids warning letter
- AHPA updates seven additional entries to the online Botanical Safety Handbook 2nd Ed.
- AHPA attends CITES 26th Plants Committee and IADSA Annual Week meetings
- AHPA attends Cosmetic Ingredient Review meeting
- Herbs in History: Calendula & St. John’s Wort
- AHPA Chief Information Analyst presents at 2023 NIH ODS Dietary Supplement Research Practicum
- AHPA Chief Science Officer to lead two sessions at The Mushroom Summit
- Dr. Stefan Pasiakos to lead NIH Office of Dietary Supplements
- AHPA to attend CITES Plants Committee meeting in Geneva
- A Kingdom of Their Own: Fungi Shine While Mushrooms Emerge as Market Stars
- AHPA Herbs We Love: Pacific Yew (with love from Bighorn Botanicals)
- Herbs in History: Hawthorn & Foxglove
- IADSA Newsflash for May 2023
- AHPA submits comments to FTC on Green Guides
- Herbs in History: Garlic & Rosemary
- Amazon reportedly enforces erroneous FDA adulteration allegation
- FTC mass-mails claim penalty notice to health product companies
- AHPA Chief Science Officer to present at Oxford ICSB
- AHPA updates ten entries to the online Botanical Safety Handbook 2nd Ed. in first 2023 release
- 4 adaptogens emerge for immunity
- Herbs in History: Wormwood & Licorice
- 2023 AHPA Botanical Congress: Botanicals Today & Tomorrow
- Thank you for joining AHPA at Expo West!
- 2023 AHPA Awards honor industry leaders and trailblazers
- AHPA welcomes new and re-elected board trustees
- FDA launches dietary supplement ingredient directory
- IADSA Newsflash for February 2023
- AHPA submits comments to FDA on proposed rule for “healthy” claims
- Herbs in History: Pomegranate & Turmeric
- Manufacturing Herbal Supplements for a Demanding Market
- AHPA Herbs We Love: Elderberry (with love from Alkemist Labs)
- 2023 AHPA Board of Trustees Candidates
- Trade Associations Commend Senators Lee and Sinema for Highlighting Dietary Supplements and Establishing Natural Products Industry Week
- AHPA submits comments to FDA on food allergen labeling guidance
- The HerbWalk at Expo West is back!
- AHPA updates CITES Primer to include new botanical species listings
- AHPA’s Chief Science Officer to present at Reimagining Botanicals: Mastering the Marketing (Feb 8-9)
- How new cosmetic laws will affect herbal products
- AHPA seeks removal of Chinese herb tariffs in US Trade Representative review
- AHPA Workshop: Botanical, Macroscopic & Organoleptic Assessment of Herbal Ingredients for cGMP Compliance
- AHPA Webinar: Setting Specifications on Strength & Composition
- In Memoriam: Robert “Bob” Beyfuss
- Herbs in History: Flax & Ginger
- IADSA Sustainability Survey launched
- 117th Congress says “no” to mandatory product listing (MPL)
- AHPA updates 14 entries to the online Botanical Safety Handbook, 2nd ed. in final 2022 release
- MPL legislation not included in FY 2023 omnibus spending bill
- Save the Dates for AHPA Events & Meetings at Expo West 2023
- AHPA reflects on 40-year history of defending herb safety as part of continued commitment to move industry forward
- Herbs in History: Elderberry & Fennel
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 26: Ayahuasca (with love from Alkemist Labs)
- AHPA’s Board of Trustees Call for Candidates
- Senator Durbin seeks support for MPL legislation
- Join AHPA at the ASA Unity Conference
- AHPA requests Congress refrain from enacting MPL riders in lame duck
- New botanical species added to CITES Appendix II during CITES 19th Conference of the Parties Meeting
- IADSA Newsflash for November 2022
- FDA publishes final food traceability rule
- Herbs in History: Blueberry & Cannabis
- AHPA updates 12 entries to the online Botanical Safety Handbook 2nd Ed. in third 2022 release
- Introducing AHPA's 40th Anniversary Shop
- Nominations for the 2023 AHPA Awards are now open
- How congressional leadership changes could impact supplement industry
- AHPA publishes good stewardship harvesting brochure for goldenseal
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 25: Schisandra (with love from Nuherbs)
- Attention Herb Growers: Appalachian Sustainable Development and UGA need your input
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 24: Goji Berry (with love from Mayway)
- Dr. Joshua M. Sharfstein & Gretchen DuBeau announced as panelists for AHPA Regulatory Congress
- New National Survey Shows Strong Public Support for Natural Health Options
- AHPA featured in HerbalGram for 40th anniversary
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 23: Holy Basil (with love from Natural Remedies)
- AHPA updates white mulberry leaf entry in online Botanical Safety Handbook
- Introducing Herbs in History
- FDA proposes new “healthy” food definition
- California Governor vetoes weight loss product bill
- Biennial food facility registration renewal due by Dec 31
- AHPA submits comments on proposed methods of analysis rule revocation
- FDA user fee agreement excludes MPL language
- AHPA releases guidance on liquid extract specs for cGMP compliance
- AHP releases White Mulberry Leaf Assessment Report
- AHPA-ERB Foundation supports launch of new American Ginseng online exhibition
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 22: Hemp (with love from Columbia Laboratories)
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 21: Dandelion Root (with love from Teeccino)
- Is It Time for a ‘New FDA’ to Regulate Food and Dietary Supplements?
- AHPA submits comments to National Institutes of Health ODS strategic plan
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 20: White Mulberry Leaf (with love from Phynova)
- AHPA statement on purported association of white mulberry leaf with tragic death
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 19: Reishi Mushroom (with love from Yellow Emperor)
- AHPA publishes updated Hemp Lexicon
- IADSA Newsflash for August 2022
- FDA to host webinar on food facility registration, UFI requirements
- Principal investigator of AHPA-ERB Foundation-funded goldenseal harvest study presents research
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 18: Oregon Grape (with love from Mountain Rose Herbs)
- In Memoriam: Jim Turner
- In Memoriam: Senator Orrin Hatch
- In Memoriam: Steven Foster
- In Memoriam: Tony Hayes
- In Memoriam: Dick Griffin
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 17: Valerian Root (with love from Gaia Herbs)
- AHPA updates GACP-GMP guidance to include new appendix on prevention of pyrrolizidine alkaloid contamination
- AHPA letter to new US Trade Representative requests tariff relief
- AHPA Guidance: Federal Labeling Requirements for Herbal Dietary Supplements
- USDA APHIS to delay Lacey Act Phase VI enforcement
- Pullulan added to NOSB National List
- AHPA Board of Trustees approves two new guidance resources for the hemp industry
- Guidance on allergens in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)
- AHPA encourages FDA to study “healthy” claim symbol in herbs, spices and teas
- AHPA introduces new entry for rooibos to the online Botanical Safety Handbook 2nd Ed.
- AHPA COVID-19 Resources Web Center
- FBIA releases updated Covid-19 decision tool for food facility employees
- ODS Dietary Supplement Label Database modernized
- Trademark registration application for “Herbalist” withdrawn
- AHPA publishes educational materials for prevention of pyrrolizidine alkaloid contamination
- Natural Products Insider provides forum for debate on mandatory supplement product listing
- AHPA submits comments to the “Cannabis Administration and Opportunity Act” Discussion Draft
- AHPA CSO Participates in AOAC Annual Meeting
- AHPA ERB Foundation seeks matching funds for research on goldenseal
- AHPA releases four updated entries to the online Botanical Safety Handbook 2nd Ed.
- AHPA Releases New Brochures Highlighting Sustainability and Good Harvesting Practices
- Opposition to mandatory product listing outweighs support in AHPA member survey
- Lawsuit aimed at self-affirmed GRAS dismissed by Federal Court
- AHPA updates Proposition 65 hemp industry guidance following passage of California AB 45
- AHPA expresses support for lawful marketing of NAC
- AHPA expresses support for WADA scientific review of cannabis in sports
- Amazon updates dietary supplement compliance program
- AHPA Board of Trustees adopts trade requirement for “organic” supplements to comply with the NOP
- 2014 DNA article by Thompson and Newmaster retracted
- AHPA Hires Melissa Do as Director of Communications
- Call for Candidates to AHPA’s Board of Trustees
- AHPA works with EPA and IR-4 Project to improve pesticide policy
- AHPA adopts revised guidance policy on GMO
- AHPA celebrates 40 years of leadership and advocacy in the herbal and natural products industry
- AHPA releases seven updated entries to the online Botanical Safety Handbook 2nd Ed.
- AHPA endorses Ellen MacArthur Foundation statement on extended producer responsibility
- AHPA comments provide additional proof of NAC marketing pre-DSHEA
- Dietary Supplement Label Database adds thousands of labels
- AHPA submits public comments to proposed Proposition 65 revisions
- Support for AHPA ERB Foundation’s funding of research on goldenseal continues
- 2022 Board of Trustees Candidates
- FDA decommissions “Poisonous Plant Database”
- AHPA statement on confirmation of Robert Califf, M.D., as FDA commissioner
- AHPA Spring 2022 Committee Meeting & Event Schedule
- AHPA: Mandatory product listing could restrict access to supplements
- 2022 AHPA Awards recognize those making a difference in the herbal community
- Thank you for joining AHPA at Expo West
- AHPA charters new Psychedelic Plants and Fungi Committee
- AHPA Annual Member Meeting photos and videos now available
- AHPA releases educational materials in Chinese for prevention of pyrrolizidine alkaloid contamination
- AHPA supports humanitarian efforts for Ukrainian refugees in Poland
- FDA releases FY23 budget request and summary documents
- AHPA updates eight entries to the online Botanical Safety Handbook 2nd Ed. in first 2022 release
- FDA denies petitions to accept NAC in dietary supplement definition
- OEHHA further amends its proposed Proposition 65 revisions to the short form warning format
- AHPA asks US Trade Representative for reconsideration of herbal ingredient tariff
- FDA releases draft guidance on N-acetyl cysteine enforcement
- AHPA opposes Dietary Supplement Listing Act
- Senate HELP Committee publishes draft bill including MPL, new cosmetics regulations
- Initial AHPA time study results suggest nearly $20 million initial compliance price tag for Durbin/Braun product listing bill
- FDA releases NDI enforcement discretion draft guidance
- AHPA gives feedback on Senate HELP Committee MPL proposal
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service issues letter to importers/exporters of CITES-listed Pygeum
- AHPA debuts updated digital member badges for Pride Month
- AHPA drives revisions to California weight loss product bill
- FDA launches dietary supplement education initiative
- AHPA opposes MPL provisions in FDASLA Act
- AHPA and NPA co-sign letter to President Biden urging new West Coast port labor agreement
- AHPA-ERB Foundation supports American ginseng programming at Smithsonian Folklife Festival
- Statement of the American Herbal Products Association on herbal abortifacients
- AHPA updates nine entries to the online Botanical Safety Handbook 2nd Ed. in second 2022 release
- AHPA New Member Mingle
- AHPA submits comments to FDA on NDIN guidance
- AHPA adopts Guidance Policy on supplements and foods containing hemp and hemp-derived CBD
- AHPA publishes Hemp Lexicon
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No.1: Elderberry (with love from Alkemist Labs)
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No.2: Pomegranate (with love from Verdure Sciences)
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 3: Japanese Pagoda Tree (with love from Indena)
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 4: Aloe Vera (with love from IASC)
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 7: Lemon Balm (with love from Four Elements Organic Herbals)
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 8: Goldenseal (with love from Native Botanicals)
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 9: Oshá (with love from Vitality Works)
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 10: Senna (with love from Traditional Medicinals)
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 11: Hawthorn (with love from Herbalist & Alchemist)
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 12: Ceylon Cinnamon (with love from Bioactive Services)
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 14: Slippery Elm Bark (with love from Mueggenburg Farms)
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 13: Magic Mushrooms (with love from Filament Health)
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 6: Ashwagandha (with love from Banyan Botanicals)
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 5: Echinacea (with love from Natural Factors)
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 15: Turkey Tail Mushroom (with love from Nammex)
- AHPA endorses the Food Safety Administration Act
- AHPA’s 40 Herbs We Love – No. 16: Tea (with love from The Republic of Tea)