Herbs in History: Blueberry & Cannabis
November 17, 2022
In an effort to preserve and share the fascinating histories of medicinal plants and herbs that have been used around the world for ages, the AHPA Foundation for Education and Research on Botanicals (AHPA-ERB Foundation) is honored to partner with Alain Touwaide, Ph.D., and Emanuela Appetiti of the Institute for the Preservation of Medical Traditions to tell the stories of Herbs in History.
The journey into herbal history continues with blueberry and cannabis. Preview the entries below and visit Herbs in History online to read more.

Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.)
Harvesting Berries
Blueberries, be they the so-called European or the Americano-Canadian species, along with blackberries, raspberries, cranberries, and mountain cranberries, Chinese lanterns, blackcurrants, or gooseberries have been on the rise over the past decades. Once found in the wild, they are now extensively cultivated to meet a constantly higher demand. And their health benefits are increasingly investigated, with numerous positive effects being discovered. | Read more...
Cannabis (Cannabis spp. L.)
A Non-Existing Species
The history of cannabis (Cannabis spp. L., Cannabaceae) has been abundantly narrated in the literature. It usually starts with the well-known description of cannabis' uses among the population of Scythians made by Herodotus (5th cent. BCE) in the Histories. | Read more...
About the Project
Herbs in History is made possible by funding from the AHPA-ERB Foundation, as part of the nonprofit foundation's mission promote education and research on medicinal, therapeutic, and health-promoting herbs. Tune in monthly for thoughtfully detailed historical accounts of herbs you know and love, and learn more about the origins of medicinal plants that have stood the test of time.