IADSA Newsflash for November 2022
November 29, 2022
AHPA is an active member of IADSA, an association focused on the globalization of food supplement markets and regulatory challenges. AHPA distributes the IADSA Newsflash as a member benefit. This issue covers:
China has proposed new rules for the evaluation of the function of health foods;
China is proposing to add ginseng, American ginseng, and reishi into its “Health Food Raw Material Directory;”
Exporters to India are being informed of new requirements for certain food categories related to registration and inspection of manufacturing facilities;
Indonesia has released guidelines for health claims in accordance with ASEAN guidelines on claims and claims substantiation;
Singapore is establishing a voluntary notification system for health supplements and traditional medicines;
Vietnam has issued a draft regulation for contaminant limits in health supplements;
The European Union (EU) General Court has nullified a European Commission decision to classify certain powder forms of titanium dioxide as carcinogens, but this does not impact its ban for use in food products;
Belgium has issued a monograph addressing the use of the essential oil of Zingiber officinale;
France has recommended against listing vitamin D3 as an endocrine disruptor in food products;
France is scrutinizing the labeling of melatonin products as not providing adequate warnings for sensitive consumers;
France is evaluating information about possible liver toxicity from turmeric products in which bioavailability has been enhanced with piperine and other ingredients;
Germany has confirmed certain dry Ginkgo biloba extracts can be considered as medicines and not food supplements;
Italy is prohibiting health claims and introduced new label warnings for turmeric products
The United Kingdom conducted an evaluation of the potential effects of ginger intake on pregnancy and lactation;
Canada issued new labeling requirements for natural health products that come into effects in three years;
New Zealand has concluded that titanium dioxide does not represent a health concern in food products;
Bolivia has issued its first ever draft regulations for food supplements based on established rules from several other countries;
Chile, Guatemala, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan are considering updated regulations for food additives and food supplements.