
AHPA Chief Science Officer presents at 2023 American Society of Pharmacognosy Annual Meeting

July 27, 2023

This week, American Herbal Products Association (AHPA) Chief Science Officer Holly E. Johnson, Ph.D., was featured as a speaker at the 2023 American Society of Pharmacognosy (ASP) Annual Meeting in Rockville, MD.


Dr. Johnson delivered her a presentation, “Cross-Pollination Between Herbal Industry and Pharmacognosy for Science Directed Towards Health, Quality, and Safety,” as part of the “Recent Advances in Traditional Herbals – Quality/Authenticity and Analysis (Industry Perspective)” session on the final day of the event. AHPA member Amit Chandra, Ph.D., Distinguished R&D Scientist and Fellow Botanical Strategy and Innovation at Amway, invited Dr. Johnson to speak at the annual meeting and also chaired the session.

Session speakers (from left): Dr. Monagas (USP), Dr. Pradhan-Nabzdyk (Canomiks), Dr. Chandra (Amway), Dr. Vidar (University of North Carolina Greensboro), Dr. Maier (Oregon State University), and Dr. Johnson (AHPA)

AHPA member Leena Pradhan-Nabzdyk, Ph.D. (Canomiks) also presented during the session that featured Dr. Chandra, Dr. Johnson, Maria Monagas, Ph.D. (United States Pharmacopeia), Warren Vidar, Ph.D (University of North Carolina Greensboro), and Claudia Maier, Ph.D. (Oregon State University).

ASP was founded in 1959. International in scope, members of the organization are experts dedicated to the promotion, growth, and development not only of pharmacognosy but all aspects of the sciences related to and dealing in natural products. The ASP Annual Meeting brings members together to share their expertise on regulatory developments, scientific advancements, and botanical safety, among other topics of importance to the natural products industry.

Also in attendance (from left): Dr. Ikhlas Kahn, Distinguished Professor & Director (National Center for Natural Products Research at the University of Mississippi), Dr. Hellen Oketch, Deputy Director (Office of Dietary Supplements Programs at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration), Dr. Joe Betz, former Acting Director (National Institutes for Health Office of Dietary Supplements), Dr. Johnson (AHPA), Dr. Pamela Tamez, Chief Officer (NIH Scientific Workforce Diversity Office)




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